Friday, October 24, 2008

Risking Everything?

So I'm reading this book . . . It's called "Risk". The premise is "do you and I dare let Jesus take control of our lives?" That's the basic idea. As you think about this idea of risk... predictability, control, safety and comfort go out the window. Jesus challenges us to experience a heightened faith in Him. No matter where we are, many times we spend much of our time trying to eliminate risk in our lives when that is the one thing that might be needed to propel us in our spiritual journey. I leave you with these words . . .Jesus said, "If you try to keep life for yourself you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake . . . you will find true life." (Mark 8:35) The "safe life" is out the window when you follow Jesus and become "whole-hearted" with him in commitment. You can bet your life on Him!!!