Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seeds and Weeds

I don't like dealing with weeds. Why? Well...some weeds are hard to spot. I mean, many weeds are obvious but then there are those weeds that have the ability to trick you. They are very sneaky, and they disguise themselves as little plants.

In ministry, one of the hardest things to do is to distinguish the real seeds from the weeds. The weed . . .
-sometimes tries to be your best friend out of selfish ambition.
-can sometimes suck the life out of you.
-seeks power and influence for bad motives.
-appears to be supportive but sneaks around planting bad thoughts.
-tries to control and manipulate the vision God gives you.

Pulling weeds isn't matter if it's in a flower bed or in a ministry. Pulling weeds stinks, but it is necessary. In the parable of the weeds (Matt 13:24-30), Christ tells us to separate the harvest from the weeds. I don't know about you, but I feel relief in knowing that God never expects me to tolerate living with weeds.

(adapted by Tiffany Cooper)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Church Hopping

I saw a book online called "Zero to Sixty" by Bob Franquiz. In it, there is a chapter on Church Hopping. Here is his Top 10 List to spot a church hopper and what they mean.

1. "But My Old Church..." - This usually means they want your church to be like their old church.
2. "I just need time to be fed." - This means they don't want to do anything. I'm just here to sit and see what I can get out of this church, so don't expect me to serve in any way, shape, or form.
3. "I'm looking for a church that teaches the Word." - This means, "I'm looking for a church that dispenses lots of information without challenging me to do anything."
4. "We came here because we are looking for deep teaching." - This usually means their last church focused too much on actually obeying the Word. They want a church that just talks about the rapture, the 2nd Coming, who the Hittites were and the identity of Theophilus.
5. "I should know my pastor." - This means, "In my last church, I got to know the pastor, but when the church grew, and the pastor couldn't have dinner with us every Tuesday night, I left and came here."
6. "We want a church that focuses on discipling people." - This means, "I want a church that is focused on me, not people who are lost."
7. "I wish you wouldn't focus so much on what people need to do." - This means they don't like commitment, they don't like to be told the Bible actually tells them how to live and follow Jesus. They want to come to church, live in their sin, and have noone tell them this is wrong.
8. "I wish you wouldn't talk about money." - This is the best way to tell a pastor, "I don't give."
9. "My old church pastor was..." - The way people come to your church is how they will leave. If your first conversation with them is all about their last church and pastor, that is how they will leave your church and how they will go to their next church.
10. "Pastor, I've been talking to a lot of people and they all say..." - Translation: "Me, my spouse, and my mother think..." If they start this way, 99.9% of the time they have no one else who thinks this way, it is just the best way to complain.

Even though this list is kind of's sad...because the New Testament model is for us to plug into a church and begin using your gifts. Life is way too short to play church. :)